Moses at Lancaster – Butler Motor Tours Bus Trip – October 31 through November 1
New for 2014, the greatest Biblical epic of the Old Testament comes to life on stage by the talented folks at Sight and Sound Millennium Theater – “Moses”. This long-awaited production is said to be one of their most elaborate ever, and you won’t want to miss it.
Departure: 6:30 AM from Westminster Church on Friday 10/31
Return for Home: 3:30-4:00 PM on Saturday 11/1
Cost Per Person: $317 double/triple/quad $376 single
Includes: Transportation, Hotel Accommodation for one night, Dinner, Breakfast, Elva’s Chalk Talk, MOSES, National Christmas Center, Brickerville Restaurant (lunch on own) & Shops, luggage, tax and gratuity.
Contact Person: Nancy Sleigher
These seats will go quickly.
Make your reservation with a $100 deposit.
Early registration by June 1. Registrations close August 1.